We are developing life skills that help kids in school, home, socially and so MUCH More.
Martial Arts as a Tool for Stress Management in Children
By Tina Takahashi Martial Arts in Ottawa Ontario As parents of young children, we understand how hard it can be to manage…
Teenagers and Self-Defense
Teenagers practicing martial arts develop a strong sense of self-discipline….
From Bully-Proof to Anti-Bullying: How Martial Arts Helps Kids Deal with Bullying
By Tina Takahashi Martial Arts in Ottawa Ontario It's no secret that bullying has afflicted the lives of countless children. For parents,…
Constructive Outlets With Martial Arts
Engaging in marital arts offers teens a constructive outlet for their energy….
How Martial Arts Helps Develop Focus and Determination
By Tina Takahashi Martial Arts in Ottawa Ontario Are you looking for a form of physical activity that develops more than just…
Self-Defense Classes
Through martial arts, teens learn essential self-defense skills….
Martial Arts Builds Lasting Friendship
The supportive community in martial arts classes helps teens build lasting friendships….
The Benefits of Martial Arts Training for Children
By Tina Takahashi Martial Arts in Ottawa Ontario Are you looking to give your children an edge when it comes to physical…
Martial Arts as a Tool for Stress Management in Children
By Tina Takahashi Martial Arts in Ottawa Ontario As parents of young children, we understand how hard it can be to…
Are You In Balance
Martial arts improve balance through focused training on posture, coordination, and core strength. Practitioners develop better body awareness and stability, enhancing both…